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Indian professional MMA fighters to Have tryouts for Brave

INDIAN PRO-MMA FIGHTERS ARE all set to have tryouts for Brave Combat Federation at Bahrain on January 12, 2017 alongside the upcoming Amateur MMA championship.

Govind Singh to be part of the tryouts

Govind Singh, Pushpender Singh, Pawan Maan Singh and Hardeep Singh are the four names announced for the tryouts. Govind fights in the flyweight division and has an impressive record of 5-1 to his name whereas the veteran Hardeep Singh, Pushpender Singh and Pawan Maan Singh made their mark in the Super Fight League.

Pawan had expressed his desire to be a two weight champion

Pawan Maan Singh in particular had expressed his desire to be a two weight class champion in BCF, an achievement that he conquered during his stint in Super Fight League.

“This had always been the moment I had been waiting for all my life. I trust the vision of Mohammed Shahid since I know him personally as a fighter and as a leader. The change Brave Combat Federation had brought in Asia had been phenomenal. Brave Combat Federation and KHK MMA are moving in a direction that enriches the lives and dreams of a lot of athletes. The level of change in the past one year is a testimony for the commitment of the organization led by a leadership that believes in the right action.” Govind said.

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