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Indian MMA Fighter Abdul Muneer Going back to the roots

AFTER BEING PART OF HISTORY at Brave – The Beginning, Indian MMA star Abdul Muneer is going back to the roots to change his game.

Muneer with Guru Suraj

Muneer would be training a new form of martial arts named ‘Ashtanga Yudh’, which was founded by Guru Suraj Gopinath. Ashtanga Yudh is a mix of Kalaripayat, Bokator, Muay Chaiya and the ancient Ramayana Malla Yudh which is combined with modern kickboxing techniques from former Kickboxing and Muay-Thai champion, Manson Gibson.

“I was very impressed with Ashtanga yudh viciousness and simplistic effectiveness world class muay thai and boxing with an effective and graceful kalaripayattu mix. Trust me when i say that its a next level of combat striking,” Muneer posted on Facebook.

Muneer would be the first ‘Ashtanga Yodha’ according to Guru Suraj. Muneer had earlier suffered a defeat at Brave – The Beginning where he went up against former UFC star Masio Fullen.

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