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3 reasons why Conor Mcgregor vs. Floyd Mayweather should happen

The MMA world, especially the media, loves Conor McGregor. It is the mercurial Irishman who brings in the most excitement in the sport today and the news-hungry journalists are waiting to spin a yarn out of the latest move from him. This morning, in true 'Notorious' style, the news broke that Conor Mcgregor has been granted a boxing license by the California  State Athletic Commission, with some praise being heaped on him by a commission executive.

A fight that needs to happen

This latest development spread like wildfire and brought new life into the much-discussed superfight between Mcgregor and retired boxer Floyd Mayweather, which had died a quiet death a few months ago. In fact, without much of a backing the first time around, the story found some serious takers with the likes of Colin Cowherd choosing to hang their hats on this potential fight.

A ton of press space was taken up from followers of both MMA and boxing, who were quick to shoot down the talks as just some publicity stunt on the part of 'Money', to stay in the news. However, as was proven with the much-delayed Mayweather-Pacquaio fight, anytime there is big interest out there for a fight between two competitors, the chances of it coming together is very high. Additionally, one of the biggest hurdles in making this boxing bout happen, has been crossed with the UFC champion getting licensed to compete as a pro-boxer.

While highly unlikely that the match may happen anytime soon, given the legalities involved with both being from different sports and all, let's look at  some of the main reasons why this blockbuster fight will take place.

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