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4 times Dana White outright lied in the media

So, before we begin this article, let me make something very clear – I am in no way, shape or form a Dana White critic or a hater. If anything, I am a huge admirer of his, both as a person and as a businessman. If the UFC is what it is today, a globally successful sports brand, a lot of the credit for that must go to the tenacious, aggressive and go-getter Boston-bred White.

Dana is known for misleading the media.

It was he who had the vision and the belief in the premier MMA promotion, when it was struggling just to stay afloat in the 90s’. It was his resourceful nature and street smarts that saw him associate with his high school friends Frank & Lorenzo Fertitta to buy out the brand in 2000 and stick with it even when the going got rough and the company was bleeding millions in the early 2000s’. It is because of his perseverance, sheer determination and passion for the fight game that the UFC managed to turn around and become the global juggernaut that we have all come to love today.

With that out of the way, part of becoming a sports promoter is to willingly play the hype game and it is a known fact that a large part of creating hype is to, for the lack of a better term, exaggerate things and events to build anticipation with the consumers and the fan base. The best promoters in the business through the years, be it Bob Arum, Don King and Vince McMahon have gained a bit of a reputation of spinning yarns that necessarily haven’t even come close to reality.

Dana White is no exception to the rule and in case you didn’t know, he is also the best promoter today in the fight game. While he comes across as genuine and honest in his interviews for the most part, he has also mastered the art of putting statements out in the general public which over the course of time have turned out to be either partially or completely untrue. We take a look at four recent examples, but by no means is this list exhaustive in nature.

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