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Drug overdose ruled as the probable Cause of Josh Samman’s death

THE LOCAL CORONER has ruled the death of UFC Fighter Josh Samman as a probable drug overdose.

Samman died after being in comma for numerous days

Samman, along with his friend and MMA announcer Troy Kirkingburg were discovered back in September 30, with Troy being pronounced dead on the scene. Samman was hospitalized initially and was in a comma for several days before passing away on October 5th.

The autopsy conducted on Troy confirmed that he had passed away due to drug overdose. However, as Samman was hospitalized, the medical examiners failed to get the specimen.

"His cause of death is probable drug overdose based on the circumstances and hospital drug screen that was positive for drugs, but we could not confirm this as they only hold specimens for three days,” the medical examiner said.

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