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8 UFC fighters who are tremendous boxers

THE SPORT OF MMA is the most dynamic form of combat sports there is, and that explains its fast growing popularity when compared to single style forms such as boxing, kickboxing, Brazilian Jiujitsu and Muay Thai. However, because of the diversity and inherent unpredictability of the sport, the MMA fighters don't necessarily have to develop a elite level of skillset when it comes to these styles which when mixed is what forms MMA. A good understanding of each or a few of these styles with a strong emphasis on one is good enough for one to be called a cage fighter.

Holm is known for her boxing skills

However, given that MMA gyms are a recent phenomenon and because boxing has been around the longest when it comes to popular combat sports, a few of the combatants in the UFC today have had their starts in the boxing gym. Unlike Jiujistu or even kickboxing, just the style of boxing wherein standing in close range and exchanging punches is the norm, makes it the most unlikely form to transfer onto the sport of MMA.

Despite that, there have been a handful of UFC names who have displayed tremendous boxing ability inside the cage and we take a look at the best proponents of the 'Sweet Science' inside the octagon today.

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