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Derreck Lewis vs Roy Nelson

Derreck Lewis vs Roy Nelson

Not a lot of fighters end up calling out Roy 'Big Country' Nelson in the Heavyweight division, but 'The Black Beast' Derreck Lewis isn't one of them.

Lewis, after his last win over a dangerous Gabriel Gonzaga, lost no time in calling out Nelson for his next rodeo. Couldn't make more sense as both of them are known KO artists and are kind of stuck in the middle of the card, which lends itself to an even contest.

But, Nelson is a veteran of the sport and while not known for displaying his grappling ability inside the octagon, he is among the better rounded heavyweights there is. Lewis on the other hand, is powerful but can be sloppy and is known to run into shots from his opponent, while trying to KO them.

Hardly a recipe for success against someone that hits as hard as 'Big Country' who should be able to see off the challenge from his mammoth opponent.

Prediction – Roy Nelson via KO in Rd 1

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