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Super Fight League 2017 : A look at the Team owners

SUPER FIGHT LEAGUE WILL ROLL OUT A NEW FORMAT in just a matter of days. The promotion, which has secured a new television deal with Sony Pictures Network as we earlier reported, has some interesting corporates names in its owner list as well.

Super Fight League has some interesting names on board

The list of the teams and their owners are as follows.

  • Delhi Heroes: Aditya Munjal of Hero Cycles
  • Mumbai Maniacs: Amit Burman of Dabur
  • Gujarat Warriors: Keshav Bansal of Intex
  • Sher-e-Punjab: Achin Kochar of VI-John
  • Bengaluru Yoddha: Shreeram Suresh and Vinodini Suresh of 8K Miles Media
  • UP Nawabs: Jaskaran Punihani and Navraj Jaura of the Jaura Group and Deepak Saluja and Pramod Sharma of UV Media
  • Haryana Sultans: Kanav Parwal and Raahil Bhatia of the SPA Capital & Belmaks Group
  • Goa Pirates: Preeti Mahapatra of Mahapatra Universal

Bill Dosanjh and Amir Khan had earlier announced the new format and you can read about all the rules, teams and format here:Super Fight League 2017: Teams, format, venue and weight classes

The latest season starts on January 20. For all the updates, bookmark our SFL Page.

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