Pune City launch 'Forces of Football' to promote community engagement with the sport
PUNE CITY have taken the first few steps to make good on the promises made earlier by their CEO Gaurav Modwel to launch major undertakings to promote grassroot development and football culture in the city. It comes in the form of a tournament called Forces of Football, a multi-category football competition that wants to bring amateur teams, junior academies, corporates as well as schools together under one umbrella initiative. There are trophies, cash prizes and signed Pune City jerseys up for grabs for the winners.
Speaking to The Indian Express, Modwell said the tournament was a seed for bigger ventures,
“We all know the major Scandinavian football tournaments like Dana Cup and Gothia Cup. Over 30,000 professional and amateur football players participate in these tournaments. These tournaments had humble beginnings and I am hopeful that Forces of Football will be a successful venture for the city.”
The tournament wants to reach 5,000 footballers. More than 2,000 have already signed up.
According to Modwel, initiatives like this is integral to the process of building football culture into the fabric of a communities, the results of which, while not immediate, will be far-reaching and transformational.
“Europeans have been playing football for generations. In the US, the seeds of Major League Soccer (MLS) were sown 15 years ago. Today, they are seeing the fruits of their efforts. In 2014 World Cup, their team performed much better. We have to find our own ways to be successful. Over the next five years, we are going to observe events in the city that draw a good response from masses. We will link football and the club with these events."
The tournament starts from 29th August and will play a major role in boosting the franchise's local fanbase ahead of the kick-off of ISL 2.
You can read the original story here.