Conor McGregor vs. Floyd Mayweather: 3 key factors to a credible performance from Conor

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After a much-hyped press tour around North America and London, followed by the incessant barrage of news, most controversial, emanating from both fighter's camps, it's finally fighting week. It's that time at last when the world is ready to take in the grand spectacle, which is the boxing match between 'Notorious' Conor Mcgregor and Floyd 'Money' Mayweather.

The Superfight is just days away

Now, don't get me wrong when I use the word spectacle to describe a boxing match between two highly decorated combat sports athletes. However, a fight is as much of a stretch when describing this bout, as one of the participants in this mega-event stands at a humble 0-0 when compared to his opponent, who in many eyes is the best to ever have competed in the sport of professional boxing.

But, as almost all the UFC fans may attest, the 0-0 record-flaunting Conor Mcgregor is unlike any of the other foes that have stepped in through those ropes against the perfect 49-0 boxing wizard, Floyd Mayweather Jr. The braggadocious Irishman has earned his nickname of 'Mystic Mac' over the past couple of years, given his uncanny penchant for predicting outcomes in his fight.

I stand on the fence of whether one of the best boxers in MMA, Conor can actually beat the best defensive boxer we have ever seen. But there's no denying that a good showing from the UFC's posterboy is more  than a likely proposition in the bout this Friday night. But, it's quite safe to say it won't be an easy task, as proven in the past by the number of men who have attempted to pull off the upset against the legendary, undefeated pugilist. Having said that, let's take a closer look at the three key factors that could determine how well the Irishman does on the biggest night of his professional career.

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