Bengaluru FC, on Monday, confirmed the signing of attacker Salam Johnson Singh, who put pen to paper on a three-year deal that runs through till 2026. The 21-year-old, who most recently represented for Tiddim Road Athletic Union FC in the I-League, has previously turned out for Lonestar Kashmir FC and East Bengal U18s.
“I’m really excited to take the next step in my professional career. I have heard many good things about Bengaluru FC and it is the club that every Indian footballer wants to play for. I know that it won’t be easy, but I want to work hard and try to contribute as much as I can, and make every opportunity count,” said Johnson, after completing the formalities of his deal.
The Manipur-native, who began his career at the SAI Centre in Guwahati, was part of the East Bengal U18 side that took part in the U18 I-League in 2019-20. In 2020, Johnson moved to Keinou Library and Sports Association before a move back to the I-League with Lonestar Kashmir FC. During the 2022-23 season, Johnson picked up five goals and one assist in the I-League, as TRAU finished fourth.
“Salam is an exciting young player with bags of potential, and we see him as someone with a lot of potential to improve. His signing adds depth to the attacking department in our squad, as we look to compete on all fronts once again this season. He had a breakthrough year with TRAU last term, and with the guidance of our coaches and the experienced players in our ranks we believe he can take his game to the next level,” said Blues’ Director of Football, Darren Caldeira.
Salam, who was named Emerging Player of the Year in the I-League’s list of award winners in 2022-23, will join the Blues in pre-season ahead of their 2023-24 Indian Super League campaign.
Bengaluru FC Media Release