WATCH: What happened when Indian MMA Fighters went to the Akhada

101 INDIA has a new series which features Indian MMA fighters going to the akhadas of Punjab to put their skills to the test.

Gavali is one of the fighters featured

The series mainly highlights the journey of Chaitanya Gavali, Andrew Canday and Yadvinder 'The Beast' Singh along with Team Relentless head coach Jitendra Khare. They go back to the roots and try to pick up new techniques fmud pits mudpits and the story is told in four parts.

The first one features Yadvinder going back to his childhood akhada along with his teammates.

The second part resumes the story as you can see below.

In the third part, one of the most decorated names in Indian MMA, Chaitanya is seen wrestling with Akhada’s own Mandeep.

The fourth part sees a similar matchup with Andrew and Himanshu being the fighters.

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