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UFC Sold to WME-IMG led group For $4 Billion

After weeks of speculation, the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) has been sold for a whopping $4 Billion to WME-IMG led group just a day after its biggest event, UFC 200.

Private equity big names like Silver Lake, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts, and Michael S. Dell are backing the deal this huge deal which is sure to turn around the fortune of the sport.

UFC, which currently has a reach in more than 156 countries, was bought by Frank and Lorenzo Fertitta back in 2001 for a mere $2 Million. The fact that they are selling the same for $4 Billion after 15 years shows that it is one of the best return on investment stories in the sporting history.

There were earlier rumors about Chinese parties being involved in the sale but apparently, it ends up just being a speculation.

UFC sold for $4 billion

Dana White has said that he will still be working for the UFC.

“Same. President, owner, working my a** off. Just doing it without my best friend and partner,” Dana said when asked about his future involvement.

The reign of Fertittas was one of the main reasons for the rise of UFC and it would be interesting to see how the new owners take forward the organization.

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